These pamphlets by Bruce Airey, associate member of the Bureau, educate the public about the nature of probation and parole and the reasons for the establishment of the Parole Bureau. "A Study of Probation and Parole" investigates practices in this state and others at the request of Governor Bibb Graves, whose platform favored a complete overhauling of the system. The pamphlets, quoting liberally from authorities in the field, advocate a fair, non-political approach. They cite effects of mixing one-time offenders with "long-timers" and recidivism, that parolees often serve longer sentences than those who complete their sentences, and the benefits of rewarding good behavior under certain circumstances. Included also are "Manufacturing Criminals!" and "Some Facts and Fallacies of Parole," the latter of which briefly reviews the work of the Bureau for the first half year. It contains narrative and statistical information, often illustrated by graphs, and testimonials from officials. The pamphlets reflect the efforts by the state to correct criminal behavior.